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Peaceful Treason is a show featuring discussion about socially relevant topics--such as: economics, political philosophy, pop culture, science & technology, and religion--from the anarchist perspective. Our intention is to inspire conversation and cross-cultural assimilation through social interaction.

May 25, 2021

Something, something, something...  Chilly 3 hype!

Jul 2, 2020


On this episode, we hit several interesting topics:  We discuss the Black Lives Matter movement following the George Floyd murder, sex with fruit (otherwise known as "organic masturbation"), Chillderburg Town, and a murder most foul.  What do all these things have in common?  Nothing!  Let's take a...

May 14, 2020


On this episode, we invite to the podcast our friend and fellow podcaster, Jacob Linzy, of the Tasting Anarchy podcast.  We discuss the upcoming Chillderburg Dos event and the effect the COVID-19 pandemic has had on it.  We also discuss the Plandemic Documentary that went viral in early May.  When will the...