Aug 29, 2018
In this episode, Will and Jared are joined once again by an up-and-coming starling of the anarchist/libertarian community: Birdarchist of the Friends Against Government Podcast. Bird takes flight with his crystal-clear view of the 21st century as we muse the latest in cryptocurrency and intellectual property. He...
Aug 18, 2018
In this episode, Will and Jared are joined by one of the great voices of the anarchist/libertarian podcast community: Carcampit of the Friends Against Government Podcast. This being our one-year anniversary episode, we get tipsy by scattering four Cerveza of the Week segments into one recording session. Car tries to...
Aug 7, 2018
In this episode, Will and Jared scratch through the surface of the murder-for-hire controversy raised in episode 42. We explore the nuance of a hypothetical world where a hired assassin bears all or most of the culpability in a murder. In this scenario, does the simple fact that the hired killer physically commits the...